About Us
The Center for Networks and Relational Analysis supports interdisciplinary research and training relating to the study of network structure and the analysis of relational systems. Our research emphases includes social networks, spatial modeling and analysis, networked systems, stochastic models of complex data, and related endeavors. Housed within the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology, the Center provides a common institutionalized locus for students and researchers, including support for the development of shared infrastructure and co-located activities. The Center promotes the use of information and communication technology in studying social structure and systems design.
Upcoming Events
Meetings of our Social Network Research Group (SNRG) convene on a weekly basis at the University of California, Irvine. For the Winter Quarter of 2025, our meetings will be held on Mondays at 3:30PM.
Please sign up for our Google Group to receive announcements on upcoming events and more information on how to join our SNRG meetings.